Thursday, February 12, 2009

When is science not the answer?

The development of science technology with regards to the changing climate should be the main issue in Washington right now. Even with all of the problems in our economy, money won’t matter much once we finally suffocate the world with carbon emissions. With that being said, this article deals with the challenge of how to go about making drastic changes to the way we live in our environment, and the US secretary of energy makes it pretty simple: all we have to do is make Nobel-level breakthroughs, no big deal. Aside from how drastic this sounds, it doesn’t seem like the steps to achieve it should be too difficult. Instead of looking for remote places to dump radioactive waste, lets come up with solutions to neutralize it. Lets improve solar energy, get the cap-and-trade system going, and make a genuine effort to start reversing some of the damage we have and are still creating while we still can.

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